Waste Management
Transfer Station & Office

The Waste Management development took a former landscape centre and completely transformed it into a modern Waste Transfer facility. An existing office and workshop building was partially demolished, gutted, extended, re-clad and then fitted out to the point that it looks brand new.

The heart of the facility is the 900m² transfer building which receives locally collected waste; storing it short term before it is loaded onto heavy permitted trucks to go to Dunedin. 

In addition to heavy vehicles the facility has to stand up to loaders and excavators, so has heavy precast panels with fibre reinforced concrete and a high MPa concrete floor. The height of the eave allows plenty of room and the ability to tip large trucks.

The development of the entire 7,000m² site fell within Thompson’s scope – including design and consenting, site works, drainage and sealing, office, transfer station, wash bay, concrete aprons, storage bunkers, landscaping, fences, even line marking and signage. All of this was achieved in a 6-month timeframe onsite.

22 Mar 2017
Transfer station
Commercial, Industrial
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