Insurance Valuation

Thompson Construction and Engineering can now offer insurance valuation services as part of our post-build offerings.


  • INDUSTRIALFactories, bulk-stores, warehouses, workshops, manufacturing plants
  • COMMERCIALOffices, bulk retail stores, shopping centres, showrooms
  • COMMUNITYMedical centres, gyms, educational facilities, sports facilities
  • AGRICULTURALsheds, haybarns, workshops, bunkers
  • SPECIALISTcold stores, flour mills, hangars, retaining walls

Insurance valuations are completed by our Registered Valuer, Tom Patterson, who has a wide range of valuation experience and an in-depth knowledge of the planning, design and construction processes.

Why get an insurance valuation?

Buildings are a significant investment. So, having regular and accurate revisions of your insurance cover is vital. Reassessing your insurance valuation is recommended every two years to stay current with changes in the construction industry and to reflect the latest market conditions.

Why use Thompson?

With our comprehensive background in the construction industry, we can provide accurate and specialised insurance valuation advice, giving you certainty that your building is adequately covered. For existing Thompson clients, you have the benefit of our detailed background knowledge of the building, including associated plans and specifications, professional fees, planning requirements, and any features unique to the building. This familiarity allows us to provide even more precise and tailored insurance valuations.

Book your Valuation:

To request a quote or book your insurance valuation, contact Tom Patterson on 022 155 7747 or via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..